Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Age Appropriate Foods for Dinner

May I offer some very useful information I learned today?  
It is not a good idea to feed couscous to a four year old girl whose nickname is Messy Bessy, and a one year old boy, just learning to feed himself.  It does not have a happy ending for Mom.  Sorry, no pictures...I couldn't believe the mess, and just stood there stunned for about five minutes.  By the time I came to, the one year old was begging to be saved from his mess in his highchair and Messy Bessy was asking for more - which I promptly answered "NO!".   I had to send them both to their room so I could get my bearings and decide where to begin the cleanup.  I did have to laugh though; as I watched the one year old walk down the hallway, there was a trail of couscous falling out of his pant leg.   Aaah, dinnertime....remember, it's one of my favorite times of the day!