Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Jacob!
My Little Pudge turns one-year old today! How fast time has flown! It's a bittersweat day - Since Jacob is the last child we are having, I'm sad he is no longer a "baby", but, a part of me is glad he is becoming a little more independent. He started walking last Tuesday, and looks like a baby chimpanzee. I love his hugs he offers so generously, and how he walks to you with arms outstretched ready for love. Everyday he does something new that makes me laugh! He is such a good boy, and ALWAYS has a smile for you. He loves his sister and is constantly offering her hugs and "kisses". He doesn't really say any words yet, except "mama", but he does have his own language of grunts.
He is my love. I am so grateful God has blessed us with Jacob and lets us take care of His baby. Precious Little Pudge.